Two months ago, rising artist POWERCYAN, released his new track 'Novus Ordo Seclorum,' which is no exception to continuing his signature sound.
POWERCYAN is a power electro producer that has been releasing music for a year. The identity of POWERCYAN is definitely a mystery, as his punch line is "some guy from space" and having planet Earth as his home town. POWERCYAN has released three tracks including, '00ffff,' which has sixteen thousand plays, 'Fahsz,' which has over thirty two thousand plays and finally 'Novus Ordo Seclorum,' which has over eighty seven thousand plays.
POWERCYAN continues to rise as an artist and his power electro sounds continue to get better and better. While he has spaced out his releases, his fan base continues to get larger. 'Novus Ordo Seclorum' is an enjoyable track that will surely play at clubs, raves, festivals, and concerts this summer.
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